

By Grace Boland
Members of RWU's Board of Advisors, from left to right: Cindy Elder ’87, Walter Ramos ’83, Stephanie Noris ’92, and Eric Zuena ’01.

BRISTOL, R.I. – Last month, 网赌的十大网站顾问委员会的四位校友在校园里会见了40位学生领袖,分享了他们对如何在商界成功成为领导者的建议,同时向在校学生学习现实世界的教育, powerful combinations, and thriving student life that RWU provides today. 

Cindy Elder ’87, Executive Director of the Barrington Land Conservation Trust; Stephanie Noris ’92, President and Founder of Norbella; Walter Ramos ’83, President and CEO of Rogerson Communities; and Eric Zuena ’01, ZDS建筑与室内设计的负责人和创始人, 参加了题为“驾驭企业文化:年轻专业人士发挥领导作用的建议”的小组讨论.” Organized for RWU student leaders, 该活动由RWU的职业和专业发展中心主办,并由大四学生Dylan Berliner主持, a Finance major from Katonah, N.Y.

Members of the Board of Advisors, a volunteer leadership body comprised of RWU alumni, parents, and friends who embody the RWU spirit, serve as committed advocates for RWU's mission, students, and alumni. During their campus visit, members delved into the fabric of campus life, 参与当前的活动,了解学生事务的脉搏. In turn, the 40 students engaging with the board at the event, 每个人在不同的扶轮社担任领导职务, Student Senate, and other campus roles, 提供他们在大学经历的第一手观点. 

在讨论开始时,Berliner请小组成员谈谈他们的职业生涯, 包括他们一路上遇到的障碍,以及如何将他们的领导角色从校园过渡到专业领域的建议. 作为听众出席会议的其他顾问委员会成员也被鼓励加入讨论. 

Stephanie Noris ’92, a member of RWU's Board of Advisors, speaks with one of the student leader attendees.
Stephanie Noris ’92, a member of RWU's Board of Advisors, at right, 与参加此次活动的RWU学生领袖之一交谈.


  • 拉莫斯说,你不应该回避那些你认为不是自己优势的事情. “I was always terrible at math, but if I wanted to learn how to run a company, I was going to have to do budgets and audits. I kept taking tasks that involved those skills, 如果没有它,我不可能有今天的成就,” he said.

  • Zuena以体育为例,解释了如何在工作场所建立一支强大的团队. “你必须努力为团队中的每个人找到最好的位置. Not everyone can be the quarterback, 但是每个人都需要贡献自己的一份力量来激励自己,提升团队的士气,” he said. “如果有一个人缺乏动力,他会让整个团队元气大损. Choose your people wisely.”

  • Speaking to how important workplace relations are, Elder said, “If you’re new to a workplace, 试着去其他部门介绍一下自己,问问他们的部门是做什么的,以及你的部门能如何支持他们. People like to be heard,” she said.

  • 诺里斯说:“当你刚刚担任领导职务时,反馈是非常重要的. “我意识到自己的行为是我职业生涯的关键时刻,我退后一步说, ‘Wow, that has to change.’ I’m always better for it.”
