Working in the U.S. Capital: Political Science Student Lands D.C. Internship with Department of Commerce

R.I. 25岁的美国人Grant Wosencroft在商务部长Gina Raimondo手下获得了实践经验

By Jordan Durfee ’24
Grant Wosencroft ’25 outside the U.S. Secretary of Commerce building in Washington, D.C.
Junior Grant Wosencroft, a Political Science major and History minor, 在华盛顿的商务部长办公室外, D.C., where he is interning this semester.

WASHINGTON – In the nation’s capital, among the powerhouses of political power and policy, 网赌的十大网站的一名学生正在华盛顿这个充满活力的世界接受现实世界的教育, D.C.

大三学生格兰特·沃斯克罗夫特(Grant Wosencroft)来自R州河滨市,主修政治学,辅修历史.I., is interning in the Secretary of Commerce’s Office. When searching for an internship opportunity, Wosencroft联系了政治与国际关系部,了解了RWU的华盛顿夏季和学期项目. 在政治学教授June Speakman和政治学副教授David Moskowitz的指导下,他完成了整个过程, 沃斯克罗夫特获得了白宫联络办公室的采访机会, getting placed with the Department of Commerce, 在罗德岛州前州长、现任商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多的办公室工作.

Wosencroft正在协助国防部参谋长制定印度-太平洋经济框架(IPEF)。, 记录并帮助准备备忘录和研究该地区正在进行的项目. Additionally, 他一直在帮助部长的高级顾问实施“为生产半导体(CHIPS)创造有益的激励措施”。, one of Secretary Raimondo’s key initiatives. On the CHIPS team, 他与公共事务办公室密切合作,研究有关CHIPS和部长的媒体报道, as well as helping to staff events at the office, 在胡佛大厦内——他开玩笑说那是一个迷宫,即使是经验丰富的员工也很难导航. Wosencroft也参与了Raimondo的团队和她旅行的高级工作.

“Every day is different,” said Wosencroft, 谁在政策制定和实施的前沿工作时,获得了政府复杂运作的第一手经验.


In addition to all that he is learning, Wosencroft分享说,他喜欢见到各种各样的人. “Rhode Island is my home,” he said. “但我喜欢与所有这些不同的人互动,参加所有这些活动,我不会在家里. It’s super cool.“这次实习不仅为未来提供了不可思议的机会, it has taught Wosencroft a lot of life skills, having to be on his own in an unfamiliar area. “我想说,我是我所有室友中最不拉响火警的人,” he joked.

凯文·加拉格尔给了他一条建议, the former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce, 这句话一直让他念念不忘:“与人见面并向他们学习. It could always take you somewhere. You never know.” Wosencroft said he strives to live by it every day, making the most of all the opportunities he is given. 他向同学们分享了自己的建议:“采取主动,走出去.”

At RWU, Wosencroft仍然是学院民主党的活跃成员, as well as the Men’s Volleyball club. 打算读公共管理专业的研究生, 沃斯克罗夫特说,他很感激实习给他提供了丰富的工作经验.

“有了这份实习,我可以去任何地方,因为这不仅仅是在政府部门实习. 我学到了不同的关键政策领域,以及商业和公司,”Wosencroft说. “I’m in a good position to pivot.”