
纪念唐纳德·J·肯尼迪总统. Farish

总统Farish discusses a project with students.唐纳德·J. Farish was a visionary leader in higher education, who transformed Roger Williams University into a vital institution devoted to community engagement, 大学的负担能力和公平性. 他于周四去世, 7月5日, 2018, 一场突如其来的大病, while serving his eighth year as our president.

作为RWU的第十任校长, he provided a vision for a modern university, aiming to “build the university the world needs now.” He had planned to retire in June 2019 from a remarkable 51-year career in academia. Here, we hope to honor his many accomplishments and exceptional legacy.

Students working on hands-on engineering project.


自2011年加入RWU, 总统Farish led the university in challenging the status quo in higher education on the vitally important issues of educational innovation, college affordability and finding solutions to the problems that matter most to society. His ultimate goal was to provide a transformative education for our students through experiential learning and civic scholarship – to create not just great scholars, 也是伟大的公民.



A celebrated academic with 50 years of experience in higher education, 他是一位受人尊敬的教育家, 科学家, 和律师, who inspired generations of college students and led two prestigious universities.



He was a thought leader and a prolific writer, who used his presidential blog and essays to advocate for change in the U.S. 高等教育模式. 从他的专栏到演讲, discover his remarkable insights into the issues facing higher education.

总统Farish poses with Swoop, RWU's mascot.


在他死后的几天和几周内, many friends and community members shared their memories and expressed their grief.


Celebrating 总统Farish: A Special Event

请在周三加入我们, 9月12日, 2018, for what is sure to be an unforgettable event honoring the exceptional life and legacy of RWU’s beloved 10th president. Featuring student performances and remembrances, the event will be held at 3:30 p.m. in the Campus 娱乐 Center on the Bristol campus. For those who can't attend, we will livestream the celebration.

President and Maia Farish with student leaders

唐纳德·J·肯尼迪总统. 法利什纪念基金

In response to the outpouring of condolences and numerous requests for a way to honor the life and legacy of 总统Farish, 我们已经建立了 唐纳德·J. 法利什纪念基金. Gifts to this fund will support the many critical initiatives that comprise the Civic Scholars Program at RWU. These programs enable RWU students to contribute as thoughtful leaders and good neighbors long after graduation, 给他们灌输一颗服务的心.